Super User

Super User


Finance Department


The finance department of PITC is committed to oversee oversee financial, accounting, forecasting, budgeting, treasury, tax corporate issues functions. Also responsible for providing strategic leadership in collaboration with CEO to establish long-range, short range goals / strategies / plans & polices relating to financial aspects.

In the discharge of above mentioned activities Finance department is designed to perform the activities mentioned below:

  • To develop tools & systems to provide critical financial & operational information to CEO, prepare budget & make actionable recommendations on both financial & operational matters.
  • To oversee long-term / short term budgetary planning.
  • To suggest Audit & Finance Committee about new trends & propose changes in the operating models.
  • To oversee cash flow planning & ensure availability of funds as & when needed.
  • To maintain good relationship with banks.
  • Develop financial business plans & forecast.
  • To represent the Company in dealing with other financial institutions, auditors & public officials / etc.
  • To ensure timely submission of financial reporting to outside agencies / Govt. etc.
  • To manage Company’s real estate affairs consisting of leases & sub-leases with landlords, negotiate new leases or lease renewals.
  • To manage Company’s legal affairs relating to financial matter, including vendors claims & other claims etc.
  • To oversee all purchasing & pay roll activities for officers & staff.
  • To serve as one of the trustee & oversee financial reporting to the organization’s saving & retirement plans.
  • To train staff members & give awareness & knowledge of financial management systems.


Human Resource & Admin Department

Human resource( & admin Department of PITC is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives.HR & admin Department is primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. HR & admin Department is responsible for providing support in the various human resource functions which include recruitment, staffing, training and development, performance monitoring and employee counseling.

The HR & admin department undertakes the following activities:

• Recruitment & Placement

• Training & Development

• Compensations / Benefits

• Performance Appraisals / ACR’s

• Promotions & Seniorities

• Permission for deputations

• Pension + Retirements

• Leave cases

• Disciplinary / Enquiry cases

• Labor Unions / negotiations with CBA

• Manpower Statistics

• Legal / Court Cases


Program Governance department

Program Governance Department is responsible for delivering the new capability through the management of the specific program’s portfolio of projects, on behalf of the PITC. This department also ensures that deliverables from projects are meeting the appropriate levels of quality, are on time and within budget, in accordance with the Program Plan.The department is also designated to Plan the program and monitor its overall progress, resolve issues and initiate corrective action as appropriate .

PITC is helping all DISCOS, GENCOS & NTDC for ICT project implemention. This Unit manages and provides implementation guidence for ERP in LESCO and other DISCOs.the unit also monitors and provieds technical guidance in achieveing the progress of projects.Program Governance unit provides unified strategy and common tecnological resource pool and Program Governance to companies. On this platform experts will share knowledge & experience to minimize RISK and maximize eefectivesness.

This departemnt is headed by Director and supported by Manager (ERP) and capacity building.


Application Development Department

The application development department of PITC manages the selection of new tools for the development of software according to the nature of application and available resources. It also selects the team to arrange the study of “As Is” system to automate and gather the user requirements analyses it and defines project goals. The ADS department of PITC also conducts the testing of use cases designed for the application both activity wise and whole application with its integrated modules and continuously evaluates the system in terms of performance and manages the modification incorporated in the application, if user requirement is enhanced.

ADS department also manages the role aimed to arrange and properly distribute manpower resources to all teams of software development according to their requirement and arranging time to time trainings for capacity building of the workforce regarding new modern tools.

The unit is responsible to enhance the company activities from traditional development of billing softwrae to take new initiative like development of new Customr Care and billing system using advance tools. It will also work on development of an integrated assets management model for power distribution companies. The unit is headed by Director Application development and supported by Manager ( Softwrae Development) & Manager(Customer Care and Billing).

Data Networks Design & Optimization

PITC is providing services for enhancements required to data networks design and optimization including human capacity skills and resources, hardware and software. The following are the functions:

  • Evaluate and assess the network design and architecture, physical and logical network management, network change management, performance and capacity planning, network provisioning, installation and integration, multi-vendor and multi-protocol enabling, network-enabled application environments, network applications etc.

  • Evaluate and assess the performance monitoring of ICT resources and perform advanced diagnosis and resolution of network infrastructure, software and hardware faults (including peripherals and web servers).

  • Evaluate and assess the security of network from malicious or accidental damage that all operating systems and application software is maintained and kept up to date to address currently known security issues and all facilities are configured in an appropriate way  to minimize as far as is reasonable the risks of damage.

  • Evaluate and assess the Provision of an email service, including virus and spam protection (ensuring continued operation of email service and for managing the set of users and their associated email addresses, including adding new users and speedy removal of names of people who leaves organization).

  • Evaluate and assess the provision of file servers and management of access to server facilities.

  • Evaluate and assess backup and disaster recovery mechanism.

  • Evaluate and assess the provision of necessary system services which include all software services required for proper and safe operation of network, such as firewall, dynamic IP address assignment, domain name server and virtual private networks.

  • Evaluate and assess the Provision of desktop or workstation computers, with network connectivity and standard application set.

  • Evaluate and assess the provision of technical support services to users to ensure continued availability of desk-top facilities.


IT Consultancy

  • Through in-house consultation, PITC has developed new ICT services delivery mode that offers stability and predictability in client service levels within service categories, improved accountability and efficiency, better cost management, improved risk management, and a dynamic, evolving organization.

  • Through consultant network, PITC is providing assistance in the software (ERP) acquisition process, addressing  the task areas which includes feasibility studies, requirements definition, identification of potential suppliers, tendering and choice of actual supplier, contract definition, project management and progressing, acceptance of product, installation and roll-out, follow-on system support and coordination, etc. through PITC human capital.

  • Hold discussion with stakeholders and where necessary organize consultation workshops for need analysis and incorporate their views in project document.

  • Will suggest mechanism for sustainability and continuity of ERP system, GIS applications and other ICT related projects. 

Web Services

A good website is a window to the internet world. It provides a company to make a strong web presence and reach out to millions of web surfers who could be potential customer of a company. Creating a website for internet drives a company to embrace the global compatibility. It also provides a wider platform to market the offerings of a company. A website acts as a necessary step towards a better business sensibility. It serves as a guidance which helps you to take benefit of the online market place.

Website development is a full fledged process that includes a number of activities. First of all, you need to make sure that you know all the basic requirements of building a website. You need to gather proper knowledge and information about the domain names, web hosting, search options etc. After knowing everything required you'll be in position to construct a website that could be the most applicable for your usage.

Being one of the renowned IT Company, PITC has catered to the various needs of web services. Development of a website from scratch, modifying an existing one, designing or adding graphics, we have gained excellence in all of these services. We believe in providing custom-made solutions to our clients.

1. Website Development
2. Web Hosting Services



 Hardware Support


hardwaresupPITC is providing infrastructure and hardware support in-terms of Technical Evaluation, toassess & make recommendations on enhancements required to Infrastructure / hardware including human capacity skills and resources. The following are key activities:

  • Evaluate that infrastructure, business applications and databases perform to their optimum capability and meet or exceed the need and priorities.

  • Evaluate that full range of defined tasks associated with operating and controlling installed hardware, software and machine-room environment, managing server platforms and business applications.

  • Evaluate the acquisition, installation, and maintenance plan of ICT Infrastructure to ensure efficient and effective support of organization information system processing and business requirements.

  • Evaluate ICT practices to ensure efficient and effective utilization of technical resources.

  • Evaluate the use of system performance and monitoring process, tools & techniques to ensure that ICT facility continue to meet organizational business objectives.

  • Evaluate the process to ensure that inventories of hardware, software and information holdings are available and kept up to date and are reflected in or incorporated in configuration management database.

  • Evaluate that procedures and working practices for efficient and effective running of all tasks associated with operating and controlling installed hardware and software are developed and maintained.

  • Evaluate & assess the process of SLA – Service Level Agreements.

  • Evaluate and assess the process to define relevant standards and techniques and to overall policy, procedures and practices on matters such as security, health and safety, environmental controls, service facilities and media storage, etc.

  • Evaluate that all duties and responsibilities are discharged in accordance with health and safety policy.

single page banners software

Software Solutions


Off-the-shelf software can often get you up and running quickly with a small investment but the long term costs of lost effectiveness and having to limit your business to the capabilities of your software can be very high. When meeting 'some' of your needs is just not enough, Custom Software can do the things you need to do, the way you need to do them.

Custom Software Isn't For Everyone
If your business has a generic business model and doesn't do anything particularly unique compared to your competition, there may be an Off-The-Shelf software package that will meet most of your needs.

Increased Efficiency
Software and technology solutions specifically designed for your business can help your team to work smarter in an environment specifically suited for your needs.

Grow With Your Software
Your business isn't standing still and your Software and Technology Systems can't be either. As your business evolves you need a solution that will evolve with your business, growing and changing as you react to new challenges and opportunities.

We are not limited to any one technology or programming language. The software industry evolves quickly and we evolve with it. Our projects utilize but are not limited to:

ASP.Net, Classic ASP
Microsoft SQL
JQuery •
Crystal Reports

Data Ware House

Company has established of “Data ware house facility” which includes duplicate bill printing over the cloud for customers of all DISCOs. The facility of web hosting to all DISCOs and other PEPCO formations is also available; (, ,,,, , File transfer services (FTP), “Dedicated official email services” of DISCOs and PEPCO Management with respective domain name.

Emolyee Provident Fund System (EPF)

A centralized system for WAPDA/ PEPCO’s employee provident fund collection & reporting has been developed and is in place for more than two decades.

Customer Profile

The need to have online billing and collection data was being felt since long. Meter reading billing, collection and other information are available in DISCO’s field offices but in printed format. These reports are printed separately on monthly basis and to prepare individual customer’s historic data extra ordinary manual processing efforts are required. This manual data processing leads to compromise on data quality. A customer profile application has been developed and hosted as a service for the consumption of all DISCOs. This will not only facilitate the individual customer level information but will also ensure the correctness and completeness of the information. Following is the implementation plan for the application:

We also provide services in the following software domains:


Load Management Dashboard

As per requirement given by the Ministry of Energy (Power Division), PITC has developed Feeder wise Load Management Dashboard for all DISCO(s). This provides Ministry and other authorities facility to monitor and analyse load management activity as per given schedule. With its enhanced graphical analytics, this dashboard makes managment to quickly analyze efficiency and tranparency of activities of feeders.

This facilitation is providing following features to Ministry and DISCOs:

a) A single click access to the overall load management analysis of a DISCO

b) Daily and monthly data analysis individual DISCO and overall

c) Data comparison (current month, previous month)

d) Pi Charts to compare load shedding with actual plan

e) Specified category of feeders e.g. Industrial etc. analysis.

f)  Added feature of PDF reports to print and submit to authority



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Contact Us

Power Information Technology Company.

WAPDA House, Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam

Lahore, Pakistan. View Contact Map
