Super User
LDI Project
DISCOs and NPCC for the first time have near real time coincident demand information to monitor and maintain planned load shedding schedules and avoid forced load shedding situations.
DISCO Control Centers are able to monitor and control their adherence to the planned load shedding targets in near real time, thus staying in the NPCC allocated quota reducing the incidence of NPCC forced load shedding meaning improved customer satisfaction.
NPCC has a visibility over this improved DISCO implementation of planned load shedding.
Historical database of full profile performance is available for analysis of system performance and improved operations.
- Installation of AMR meters at all DISCO's grid substations
- Up-Gradtion of facilities and equipment at DISCO(s)/PDC and NPCC control centers
- Installation and commissioning of data center servers
- Acquisition/supply of communications services
- Development of software & data screens for discos and NPCC
- Installation of additional 2354 meters
- USAID through IRG under power distribution programme provided 100% finances of the project
- IRG provided the technical support for project implementation and development of customize software application for project
System Architechture
LDI Project Securities
- All data “IN” on private network (Direct Connectivity from TELCO)
- Firewall Enabled Router for “IN” and “OUT” Data
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) for information to user at PDC
- Three Layer Security (Private Network, VPN, Firewall(Hard/Soft)
- No Manual Entry/Input
LDI Project Metering Hardware
- All Meters are DLMS Complaint
- GSM Module is on NTDC DDS 98
- Meter Data Communication (MDC) is on NTDC DDS 110
- Meters are on NTDC DDS 50 Standards
Software in Operation
LDI System Reports
- Power Outage Management
- Load Profile
- Energy Consumption Events
- Reverse Polarity
- Power Quality Monitoring/Under & Over Voltage
- Phase Disconnection
- Reverse Energy
- NPCC Power Allocation
Importance of QA
In this era of fast advancements and highly paced technological solutions in every walk of life, software Industry is facing the appalling challenge of developing software applications that meet quality standards and budget constraints. Huge amounts of budget are depleted on making sure the integrity and precision of the software. Quality assurance and testing process flows were introduced in order to avoid the cost of fixation by sorting out flaws as early as possible to ensure the delivery of bug free and accurate software to the end client.
Quality Assurance department has been evolved as an entity ensuring to portray a definite and concrete image exposing the quality products of PITC. PITC’s Quality Assurance department is determined to employ latest tools and techniques to make sure the software’s development is as per latest defined standards of IT.
QA Cycle for Different Products in PITC
Quality Assurance team in PITC is mainly involved in assuring the quality of different Business Applications along with testing the main Billing Applications deployed at Discos. QA team members make certain that the applications are delivered as per agreed upon timelinesto the intended clients while keeping in view the quality standards and accuracy of the application as per stated requirements of all stakeholders. Performance of the applications and their appropriateness is also a key factor to be ensured by the Quality Assurance team.Quality Assurance team members are involved at every stage of application development in order to guarantee that defect-free products are delivered to the prestigious customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility
PITC employees have responded to disasters around the world including earthquakes and floods in Pakistan. Employees donate directly from their pay with additional (and often matching) contributions from PITC.
Since 1960's we have donated countless computer components to be recycled and reused. We have a comprehensive recycling program – plastics, cans, paper, and organics are all recycled or composted.
Earth Day is another area of focus including fundraising campaigns where we’ve encouraged people from around the world to pledge an act of green and share it online.
For several years we have provided awards to students in the IT trainings programs and internship opportunities. This is an opportunity to support young adults beginning their career in software and information technology.
CC&B SUPPORT Department
CC&B Support department Develops/Enhances/Maintains Customer Care & Billing application in latest tools with addition to new requirements of DISCOs. Other responsibilities that CC&B support department is committed to undertake are:
- Manage role for preparation of activity wise complete project plan, with starting & ending time, according to the resources deployed.
- Manage role for the accusation of the user requirements, analyses it and defines project goals into defined functions and operation of the intended application.
- Manage role for system design, according to the user requirements, describes features and operations in detail, including screen layout, business rules, processes diagrams, output layout and other documentations.
- Manage role for database design and normalization of data tables according to the system design requirements. Describe features of database management along with detail documentation.
- Supervise the development of the application (Billing Modules) in latest tools according to the system design.
- Manage role to bring all the pieces/modules together in test environment or arrange integration with running applications.
- Manage role to describe the Backup & Recovery procedures in case of any disaster.
- Supervise the activities assigned to each resource and monitor the progress according to initial project plan and manage role to ensure the completion of project according to its schedule.
- Manage role for preparation of use cases and business rules involved in the project.
- Manage role to arrange the testing of the use cases of the application, activity wise and then test for whole applications with it integrations modules.
- Manage role for implementation of application as a pilot and get acceptance from the user before actual implementation.
- Manage role for continuous evaluation of the system in terms of performance and modification in business rules by the user.
Network Operations and Support:
This unit is responsible for provding infrastructure and operational support to PEPCO/WAPDA and DISCOS. The main activity of the unit is to resolve around providing continous support to management and DISCOS, assesment, Billing and collection of revenue through timely billing of electricity consumed. The unit is headed by Director(Operations)/DG(IS) and supported by Manager(Network) and Manager.
Enterprise Resource Planning
This department of PITC takes the charge to oversee activities within PITC to manage business applications and provides Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) support required to make decisions by exercising discretion and independent judgment. It is also responsible to ensure that the ERP systems meet business requirements and goals, fulfils user requirements, and identifies and resolves system’s issues.
- It Manages the production of training programmes and materials for training, seminars and conferences, including assisting trainers in development of materials, for example, research and design materials for training, seminars and conferences.
- Feeds into the strategic planning cycle of the department and the organization, using information collated during capacity building activities.
- Evaluates the effectiveness of capacity building activities through feedback from participants and managers, and where applicable, measure the impact of the trainings through various research methods.
- Participates in continued professional development.
- Undertakes other reasonable duties appropriate to the job as desired by the management.
- Develops a standard training policy.
- Plan and design programmes for refresher courses, study visits, as well as workshops, and seminars.
- Organize the logistics of internal and external training events. Liaison with external training providers, arranging suitable venue organizing, monitor attendance, assist in creating a working registration and dealing with any problems which might arise.
- Develop a training framework matrix for the measurement of training and development activities.
- Chalk out programs to ab added as a service that can be outsourced to other allied organizations in particular and any other public sector organization in general.
Geographical Information System
The GIS department is committed to perform Technical implementation & supervision of GIS / RS related tasks. the department Oversees the preparation of progress report on GIS project implementation and Ensures GTS/RS data quality and usage. In the discharge of already mentioned activities The list of other activities which the GIS department undertakes is furnished below:
- Managing / Overseeing multiple GIS Components.
- Coordinating with GIS and other technical staff.
- Coordinating all aspects of the GIS cell including project timelines, tasks, goals.
- Implementation of all related policies to produce accurate and timely data and to meet the exact goals of the cell. Manager must have shown past experience in the field.
Automatic Metering Infrastructure
AMI department is responsible for Supervising, Running and ensuring the effective functions of LDIP & related tasks. It also undertakes the activities of Managing / overseeing multiple phases and activities of Automatic Meter Infrastructure (AMI) project.
- Coordinating the AMI and other technical staff.
- Managing & Coordinating all aspects of the LDI cell including project timelines, tasks, goals, and staff.
- Keeping close coordination with project funding agencies.
- Preparing project documentation.
- Ensuring project achievements as per deliverables.
- Keeping close coordination with communication operators and Internet Service Providers.
- Keeping close coordination with AMI meter vendors.
- Keeping close coordination with DISCOs and NPCC.
Network Operations Department
Network Operations Department is aimed to provide the highest standard of low-latency network service, attuned to the needs of our clients and backed by an exacting commitment to customer service.Network Operation department of PITC is also providing services for enhancements required to data networks design and optimization including human capacity skills and resources, hardware and software. The following are the functions:
- Evaluate and assess the provision of file servers and management of access to server facilities.
- Evaluate and assess the Provision of an email service, including virus and spam protection (ensuring continued operation of email service and for managing the set of users and their associated email addresses, including adding new users and speedy removal of names of people who leaves organization).
- Evaluate and assess the performance monitoring of ICT resources and perform advanced diagnosis and resolution of network infrastructure, software and hardware faults (including peripherals and web servers).
- Evaluate and assess the network design and architecture, physical and logical network management, network change management, performance and capacity planning, network provisioning, installation and integration, multi-vendor and multi-protocol enabling, network-enabled application environments, network applications etc.
- Evaluate and assess the security of network from malicious or accidental damage that all operating systems and application software is maintained and kept up to date to address currently known security issues and all facilities are configured in an appropriate way to minimize as far as is reasonable the risks of damage.
- Evaluate and assess backup and disaster recovery mechanism.
- Evaluate and assess the provision of necessary system services which include all software services required for proper and safe operation of network, such as firewall, dynamic IP address assignment, domain name server and virtual private networks.
- Evaluate and assess the Provision of desktop or workstation computers, with network connectivity and standard application set.
- Evaluate and assess the provision of technical support services to users to ensure continued availability of desk-top facilities.
Business Applications Department
The business application department of PITC supports all current applications as well as complete project responsibilities including design, coding, unit testing, and documentation on time at required quality level of Financial Application Modules, Inventory Control Management Modules and Human Resource Management Modules.
Business application department has overall responsibility to perform following tasks :
• Develop an in-depth knowledge of the PITC’s Selected Application, development tools, and development procedures.
• Design application solutions that fully implement business requirements.
• Develop high quality software code in accordance with established company standards and development guidelines.
• Produce technical documentation that accurately and thoroughly depicts the software design and code base. The documentation needs sufficiently assist QA testing and production support activities.
• Perform adequate unit testing of own and other developers’ application development work. At a minimum, unit testing should ensure all requirements have been addressed, all basic functionality works, and errors are handled properly.
• Expeditiously troubleshoot application production issues that resolve the issues without causing additional problems.