Program Governance department

Program Governance Department is responsible for delivering the new capability through the management of the specific program’s portfolio of projects, on behalf of the PITC. This department also ensures that deliverables from projects are meeting the appropriate levels of quality, are on time and within budget, in accordance with the Program Plan.The department is also designated to Plan the program and monitor its overall progress, resolve issues and initiate corrective action as appropriate .

PITC is helping all DISCOS, GENCOS & NTDC for ICT project implemention. This Unit manages and provides implementation guidence for ERP in LESCO and other DISCOs.the unit also monitors and provieds technical guidance in achieveing the progress of projects.Program Governance unit provides unified strategy and common tecnological resource pool and Program Governance to companies. On this platform experts will share knowledge & experience to minimize RISK and maximize eefectivesness.

This departemnt is headed by Director and supported by Manager (ERP) and capacity building.

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Power Information Technology Company.

WAPDA House, Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam

Lahore, Pakistan. View Contact Map
