Assistant Manager (IT) Test Schedule
The PITC’s written test for the Post of ASSISTANT MANAGER (IT) has been scheduled on Friday, November 26, 2021 @ 11: 00 AM in designated centers of Virtual University of Pakistan. The candidates are advised to take a print of Admit Card from the following link:
1. Visit this Link :
2. Enter CNIC without dashes.
3. A Verification Pin will be sent on Registered Mobile No. and Email of the candidate.
4. Enter the Verification Pin within the specified time in text field and click on “Get Entrance Slip”.
5. The Roll No. Slip will be opened containing the schedule information.
6. Click on “Print” Button to Print the Admit Card.
In case of any query, please contact at the following:
Phone: 04299204760, 04299203899
Mobile: 03000656904 (WhatsApp enabled)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. “