", "articleBody": "ard of Directors The Company is run under the control and supervision of Board of Directors, being managed and controlled by the Chief Executive. The Board has a non-executive chairman and four other members, consisting of one executive and three independent non-executive directors. The Board has three sub-committees, Audit & Finance, Human Resource, and Information & Communication Technology, to which it has delegated various matters in accordance with their respective terms of reference. The Composition of BOD is as under:
Mr. Syed Asif Hyder Shah
Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Ph: 99202666 Fax: 99203423 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Exchange: 99202211-12-13-14 Ext. 3024
Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi Member BOD(PITC) Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi, Chief Executive Office of CPPA and Member BOD has diversified professional experience, spanning over 27 years in power and water utilities sector both in local and international organizations. Representing management to the BOD, loan negotiations with international and local lenders, interaction with ministries, tax departments on various corporate matters. Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi has extensive experience concerning policy, regulation, strategic corporate planning, corporate performance, pricing, finance and accounting, fund management, taxation matters, ERP implementation, developing of tariff and financial models both for annual and multiyear tariff, project implementation including development of accounting manual and internal audit manual for all power distribution companies of Pakistan. Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi has versatile experience of working in different Government and Private Organizations at different levels like Water and Power Development Authority, NTDC, NEPRA, Power and Water Utility Company (MARAFIQ), USAID, IRG, RASIKH CONSILIUM and CPPA-G.
Mr. Sulman Hassan As the Director International Marketing Sulman has identified new revenue streams for Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) and played his role in turning PSEB into self sustaining promotion agency. He became involved in several successful business start-ups before embarking on a career in Marketing and HR. An accomplished strategist and marketer, his vision and expertise in business performance have driven notable enterprise growth by building global brands and guiding top-tier companies. Sulman Hassan has been serving the Technology and Education mainly for over 20 years. During the course of his extensive work, he has served 3 companies i.e. first was a Chartered Accountant firm, after completing his MBA with a Distinction he joined an educational institute and was promoted as the Head of Department. He joined PSEB in May 2002 as Marketing Manager and was given the additional responsibilities of Project Management after a year’s time. In 2006, he was promoted as Project Director and was responsible for Human Capital domain. In 2009 appointed as Director International Marketing he has been responsible for all the marketing activitieswhich PSEB is undertaking to facilitate the IT Industry in access to International market. Called "provocative" and "compelling", his candid speaking style has made him an internationally sought-after speaker, presenting at dozens of conferences internationally and locally. His talks on strategic issues for global professionals have been called "must see" events. As a thought leader in the International Marketing, he's been interviewed and quoted in a number of international business and news publications.
Khawaja Shoaib Hamid Khawaja Shoaib Hamid is Power /ICT Expert and in Software Industry since 1981 and has over 29 years of Public-Private experience (Electric & Power Sector) in the field of Consulting, Project Development & Management, Strategic Management, ERP / Business Application Acquisition & Implementation, PC-1 development, RFP Development, Evaluation & Execution, Institutional Capacity Building, Human Resource Management, Business Process Re-Engineering & Optimization, Database Designing, Planning, Development & Deployment Applications, Business Development & Monitoring Through Strategic Alliances and General Management. Active Experience in association with International Organizations like WAPDA/USAID Project, WAPDA/World Bank, ADB, ILO, EU, UNICEF, WFP, ESBI, WAPDA, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, KEL, AES, LCCI, FPCCI, ECMMA, KPLC, etc.
" }

ard of Directors

The Company is run under the control and supervision of Board of Directors, being managed and controlled by the Chief Executive. The Board has a non-executive chairman and four other members, consisting of one executive and three independent non-executive directors. The Board has three sub-committees, Audit & Finance, Human Resource, and Information & Communication Technology, to which it has delegated various matters in accordance with their respective terms of reference. The Composition of BOD is as under:


Mr. Syed Asif Hyder Shah 


ali raza bhutta


Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed

 ceo pitc

 Ph:                  99202666
 Fax:               99203423
 Email:           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Exchange:      99202211-12-13-14 Ext. 3024

Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi

Member BOD(PITC)161201125749333

Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi, Chief Executive Office of CPPA and Member BOD has diversified professional experience, spanning over 27 years in power and water utilities sector both in local and international organizations. Representing management to the BOD, loan negotiations with international and local lenders, interaction with ministries, tax departments on various corporate matters.

Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi has extensive experience concerning policy, regulation, strategic corporate planning, corporate performance, pricing, finance and accounting, fund management, taxation matters, ERP implementation, developing of tariff and financial models both for annual and multiyear tariff, project implementation including development of accounting manual and internal audit manual for all power distribution companies of Pakistan.

Mr. Abid Latif Lodhi has versatile experience of working in different Government and Private Organizations at different levels like Water and Power Development Authority, NTDC, NEPRA, Power and Water Utility Company (MARAFIQ), USAID, IRG, RASIKH CONSILIUM and CPPA-G.

Mr. Sulman Hassan

Blank Person1As the Director International Marketing Sulman has identified new revenue streams for Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) and played his role in turning PSEB into self sustaining promotion agency. He became involved in several successful business start-ups before embarking on a career in Marketing and HR. An accomplished strategist and marketer, his vision and expertise in business performance have driven notable enterprise growth by building global brands and guiding top-tier companies.

Sulman Hassan has been serving the Technology and Education mainly for over 20 years. During the course of his extensive work, he has served 3 companies i.e. first was a Chartered Accountant firm, after completing his MBA with a Distinction he joined an educational institute and was promoted as the Head of Department. He joined PSEB in May 2002 as Marketing Manager and was given the additional responsibilities of Project Management after a year’s time. In 2006, he was promoted as Project Director and was responsible for Human Capital domain. In 2009 appointed as Director International Marketing he has been responsible for all the marketing activitieswhich PSEB is undertaking to facilitate the IT Industry in access to International market. 

Called "provocative" and "compelling", his candid speaking style has made him an internationally sought-after speaker, presenting at dozens of conferences internationally and locally. His talks on strategic issues for global professionals have been called "must see" events. As a thought leader in the International Marketing, he's been interviewed and quoted in a number of international business and news publications.

Khawaja Shoaib Hamid

khshoiabKhawaja Shoaib Hamid is Power /ICT Expert and in Software Industry since 1981 and has over 29 years of Public-Private experience (Electric & Power Sector) in the field of Consulting, Project Development & Management, Strategic Management, ERP / Business Application Acquisition & Implementation, PC-1 development, RFP Development, Evaluation & Execution, Institutional Capacity Building, Human Resource Management, Business Process Re-Engineering & Optimization, Database Designing, Planning, Development & Deployment Applications, Business Development & Monitoring Through Strategic Alliances and General Management.  Active Experience in association with International Organizations like WAPDA/USAID Project, WAPDA/World Bank, ADB, ILO, EU, UNICEF, WFP, ESBI, WAPDA, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, KEL, AES, LCCI, FPCCI, ECMMA, KPLC, etc. 

Contact Us

Power Information Technology Company.

WAPDA House, Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam

Lahore, Pakistan. View Contact Map
