Rationale to Establish IT Company

Before and after revamping of WAPDA, IT solutions were implemented in piece meals in different departments. Most of these efforts were local & non-standardized and no concrete effort could be made at PEPCO level in this direction. The PEPCO Computer Centre (PCC) remained a central organization and continued to provide IT/software support in all DISCOs. The IT establishments working in different DISCOs were kept to just operational level only, and heavily dependent on PCC for software support. DISCOs have alternate to outsource to other IT companies’ proficient to Power sector business but support from PCC is most economical option.

historyIn line with disbandment of PEPCO, it was initially decided to disintegrate PCC and merge the staff into various DISCOs’. The following facts were presented to PEPCO BOD for not to disband PCC:
The revenue generation of Discos’ depends upon timely and accurate billing which would be severely affected if there is no support from PCC. The dissolution of PCC and merging of staff into NTDC and various DISCOs would create a lot of problems in IT and can result into immediate stoppage of computer activities.
For effective implementation of PEPCO and NEPRA decisions uniform business rules have to be adopted, which require centralized resources.

To achieve the objective of creating autonomous commercial entities through the adoption of prudent business practices enhanced efficiency levels, cost reduction and profit orientation, the need to use new technologies like IT was being felt since long. Therefore, to efficiently plan and upgrade the existing ICT/IS of all the corporatized entities, PEPCO BOD in its meeting held on 25/04/2010 Chaired by Secretary Ministry of Water and Power approved the establishment of Power Information Technology Company. The BOD PEPCO Decision circulated vide ED (L&CA) letter# 441- 47/Secy/PEPCO/BOD/M-45/I-20 dated May 6, 2010. The company was incorporated with SECP on June 02/2010.

Contact Us

Power Information Technology Company.

WAPDA House, Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam

Lahore, Pakistan. View Contact Map
