Brief History

In 1958, Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was formed to implement Indus Basin Treaty. WAPDA Computer Center (WCC) was established in 1968 and was entrusted to automate electricity consumer’s billing. The millstone set was met through in-house development. For data processing, WCC established 27 regional and circle level data processing centers in all area electricity boards. Since its establishment, WCC supported implementation of IT solutions in the organization.

While restructuring the Pakistan Power Sector, PEPCO was created as a management company, owned by Government of Pakistan, vested with the responsibility to steer, manage and oversee the corporatization/ commercialization of WAPDA power wing.

Revamping of WAPDA power sector resulted in formation of nine distribution companies (DISCOs), one transmission company (NTDC) and four generation companies (GENCOs). The 27 regional and circle level data processing centers were administratively attached with respective DISCOs. Remaining IT related functions remained under centralized arrangements of DG (Information Systems) under combined management of PEPCO/WAPDA till 2007. In 2007, WCC (HQ) was exclusively transferred to PEPCO. In 2010, this PEPCO computer center was given the status of independent company, i.e. Power Information Technology Company (PITC).


Contact Us

Power Information Technology Company.

WAPDA House, Shahra-e-Quaid-e-Azam

Lahore, Pakistan. View Contact Map
